The Official Malaysian Association for Powerlifting National Training Centre is developed to allow our National Powerlifting Athletes to benefit from priority and complimentary access to our own IPF-approved equipment.
MAP National Training Centre Eligibility
- MAP Members are eligible to use with a daily charges of RM10 per entry (booking must be made via Katch).
- MAP Members are allowed to bring additional guest (non-member), which will be charged at a fixed walk-in rate of RM35.
- No charges for MAP Executive Committee and current National Athletes.
MAP National Training Centre Benefits
- Accessible parking spots.
- Amenities are available including shower room, gaming console, prayer area, water dispenser.
- Complimentary on-site feedback by National Coaches (when present).
MAP National Training Centre Rules & Regulations
- All members are required to book their training slots through Katch before accessing the facility (the exclusive code for MAP members and steps to book can be obtained through email by us).
- Each member is allotted a maximum of 2 hours per slot. If additional time is desired, a new booking must be made.
- Unauthorized access or sharing of access credentials will result in immediate dismissal, followed by a formal show cause letter from MAP.
- Kindly refrain from deliberately slamming weights onto the rack and platform.
- Weights must be re-racked after use.
- Benches must be sanitized and wiped down after each use.
- The bar should be brushed clean after each lifting session.
- Chalk should be used only from the designated chalk stand bowl.
- Always secure the bar with collars and use the safety features on the rack.
- Seek assistance from spotters when necessary.
- Shirtless lifting is not permitted; however, a sports bra is allowed.
- All lifters must vacate the premises by 12:00AM daily to facilitate housekeeping procedures.
- Footwear must be worn at all times.
- Personal belongings should be stored in designated areas.
- Avoid the use of offensive language and maintain a respectful environment.
- Foods and drinks, other than water in sealed containers, are not allowed in the designated training area.
- Please respect the scheduled training times of others.
- MAP National Athletes and members of the Executive Committee present on the premises will oversee overall operations during their time and ensure adherence to the MAP Training Centre rules.
Note: Failure to comply with these rules may result in penalties, suspension, or expulsion from the gym or the federation, as determined by the executive committee of MAP. By accessing the MAP National Training Centre, all users, including guests of members, acknowledge their understanding and agreement to abide by these rules and regulations.